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Daniel Pinheiro & South Coast Planning Highlighted in various articles on Yahoo! Finance, US News & World Report, ThinkAdvisor, and GoBankingRates.

Updated: Apr 9, 2024

Daniel Pinheiro in the media ThinkAdvisor
Daniel Pinheiro in the media

Daniel Pinheiro and South Coast Planning & Wealth Management was recently highlighted in an article on Yahoo! Finance and GoBankingRates. The article focuses on taxes during retirement—regarding many retirees who incorrectly assume their taxes will go down in retirement. However, the combination of tax-deferred accounts, RMDs [required minimum distributions] and Social Security can make taxes and retirement a complicated situation to navigate.

ThinkAdvisor recently posted an article that included Dan Pinheiro on the topic of managing retirement portfolio's during a surging market. To view the article, use the following link, start the slideshow and keep going until you reach slide seven.

And finally, US News & World Report, included Dan & South Coast Planning on an article that discusses credit cards, their usage, and various credit tips.


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